€135.00 – €250.00 N/A
Sunoco E85R consistently contains 85% ethanol and 15% of selected high quality powerful hydrocarbons used in their racing fuels.
E85 bought from fuel stations can range from 68% to 79% ethanol and the blend varies throughout the seasons..
Due to its extremely high oxygen content we recommend that fueling is increased with up to 40% compared to traditional petrol.
Caution: Sunoco E85R, and all other E85 blends, can be more aggressive on rubber components withing the fuel system so we recommend that you ensure that the fuel system is ethanol compatible.
Typical applications
Powerful alternative to pump or race fuels, where regulations allow
Turbo engines
Super charged engines
Normally aspirated engines
Categories: Alcohol, Racing Fuel, Sunoco Racing Fuels